
About Me

Hello, I am Shannon! I am a wife (husband is Ben) and a stay at home mom of two beautiful daughters, Isabel and Alexandra (Izzie and Alex aka The Cheerios!). We live in a town 30 miles north of Atlanta, Georgia. It has been a journey being a stay at home mom and I am still trying to get the hang of it all. I have had my ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade this experience for anything.

Since I have been home I find myself surfing the internet as an outlet from being a wife and mommy. I have come across some great blogs that provide me with so much information about things that I love as well as great ideas as it relates to my current lifestyle. I enjoy very much the idea of sharing so that's when I decided to start the blog.

I hope you enjoy the blog and I hope you share with me as I continue to share with you!
